Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I have been busy making Christmas gifts.  I needed a break.  I have this baby sweater idea in my noggin' for some time and it had to be put on paper and knitted.  It has not been test knitted so if any mistakes are found please make me aware of them or if something does not make sense.  Hope you enjoy.

Fading Stripes
6-9 Months unisex
Sport Weight yarn- A main color and contrasting color
US 3 needles
Cable needle
6 buttons
Gauge: 7 rows and 6 sts per inch

Need to know how to cable, change colors, increase.
Sometime you need to break the yarn or use 2 balls of same color. There are many things going on and need to be aware when to do cable. change colors and increase.

M1- Make one with bar increase CBN- Cable needle
SM- Slip marker MC- Main color
PM- Place marker CC- Contrasting color

Cable CO 60 sts
Row 1-4: Knit
Row 5: K8, PM, P1, K4, P1, PM, K2, PM, P1, K4, P1, PM, K16, PM, P1, K4, P1, PM, K2, PM, P1, K4, P1, PM, K8
Row: Knit
Row 7: K8, M1, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, M1, K2, M1, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, M1, K8, M1, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, M1, K2, M1, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, M1, K8 (68 sts)

Row 8: Knit the knits and purl the purls

Row 9: CABLE ROW: *Knit to marker, M1, SM, P1, slip 2 to cable needle and hold in FRONT, knit 2 sts, knit 2 sts from CBN, P1, SM, M1, knit to marker, M1, SM, P1, slip 2 to cable needle and hold in BACK, knit 2 sts, knit 2 sts from CBN, P1, SM, M1 repeat from * once more, knit to end. (76 sts)

Row 10: Same as row 6.

Row 11: *Knit to marker, M1, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, M1, repeat from * knit to end (84 sts)

Row 12 and 14: Same as Row 6

Row 13: Same as Row 9 Cable row (same as row 9)

Row 15: Change to CC.
Row 16: Same as Row 6

Row 17-23: Change to MC. Continue in pattern rows 7-10. Cable row 17 and 21 (same as row 9)

Row 24-26: Change to CC

Row 27-32: Change to MC Cable row 25 and 29 (same as row 9)

Row 33-36: Change to CC. Cable row 33 (same as row 9)

Row 37-40: Change to MC Cable row 37 (same as row 9) Row 39 (188 sts)

Row 41: CABLE ROW: With MC knit 24, SM, cable section, SM, place next 34 sts on holder, cable CO 5 sts, SM,. cable section, SM, knit 48 sts, SM, cable section, SM, place next 34 sts on holder, cable CO 5 sts, SM, cable section, SM, knit 24 sts (130 sts) Cable row 41 (same as row 9)

Row 42: (WS) With CC *purl to marker, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, P2, K1, P2, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, Repeat from *, Purl to end.

Row 43: *Knit to marker, SM, P1, K4, P1, SM, K2, P1, K2, SM. P1, K4, P1, repeat from * Knit to end

Row 44: Same as Row 42

Row 45: Cable row: (RS) *Knit to marker, SM, P1, slip 2 to cable needle and hold in FRONT, knit 2 sts, knit 2 sts from CBN, P1, SM, K2, P1, K2, SM, P1, slip 2 to cable needle and hold in BACK, knit 2 sts, knit 2 sts from CBN, P1, SM, K2, P1, K2, SM, repeat from * once more, knit to end. (130 sts)

Repeat rows 42-45 changing colors as per row pattern. End with WS row.

Row 46: Continue with CC knit row 42

Row 47-50: Change to MC. Cable row 49

Row 51-56: Change to CC Cable row 53 and 57

Row 57-59: Change to MC Cable row 61

Row 60-66: Change to CC. Cable row 65

Row 67-68: Change to MC Cable row 69

Row 69-77: Change to CC Cable row 73 and 77

Knit 6-8 rows garter stitch. Starting with purl row

BO loosely on WS

Sleeves: Place 34 sts on needles. Pick up and knit 6 sts underarm. Knit all rows and decrease where specified. When changing colors slip first st. Do not break yarn carry it on the inside of the sleeve.
Row 1: With MC
Row 2-6: With CC
Row 7-10: With MC Row 8 decrease k2tog knit to last 2 sts, ssk
Row 11-16: With CC Row 16 decrease
Row 17-19: With MC
Row 20-26: With CC Row 24 decrease
Row 27-28: With MC
Row 29-36: With CC Row 32 decrease
6 rows garter starting with a knit row.
BO loosely

Button band:
Buttonhole on row 5: For girl: Right side
For boy: Left side
With MC and right side facing pick up and knit +/- 70 sts starting at bottom right edge.
Purl one row.
Backward cast on 3 sts.
K2, k2tog through backward loop (when you knit the first st of each row give a slight tug to tighten.)
Slip sts from right needle onto left needle and repeat.

Mark buttonholes with a st marker. Spaced evenly. Put bottom 5 rows in from bottom then every 17 rows. When get to them:
k3, slip on to left needle, k3,
Before moving I cord sts onto left needle, BO 2 sts then continue making i-cord until the next button.
BO by slipping 2 sts form Right needle onto left pass the first st, (first st slipped) over second. Slip one from right needle onto left and repeat the BO,
Slip I cord sts to left needle and continue with I cord.

Repeat I cord on second side omitting button holes.

Weave in ends and attach buttons.