Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dead Fish Hat anyone? 

A request from the dear Hubby.  Unfortunately too small for him.  So the Eldest son claimed the fish.  Thinking I should invent a chin strap and make one smaller for the little fellow.  He looks adorable in it, but keeps falling off.

Made two of these hats for my Husband's work Christmas party.  They turned out adorable.  Fast, basic hat pattern.  I have orders for two more.  On to goomba some more.
Double Breasted baby Sweater.  

Had this yarn in my stash.  I only had one skein so I knew I it had to become a baby sweater.  I found this pattern and decided that is what the skein is to be.  I had enough over for the hat.  The buttons made the sweater.  I was going unisex but it looks more for a little boy than a girl.  The pattern was supper eay and knit up fast.