Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dead Fish Hat anyone? 

A request from the dear Hubby.  Unfortunately too small for him.  So the Eldest son claimed the fish.  Thinking I should invent a chin strap and make one smaller for the little fellow.  He looks adorable in it, but keeps falling off.

Made two of these hats for my Husband's work Christmas party.  They turned out adorable.  Fast, basic hat pattern.  I have orders for two more.  On to goomba some more.
Double Breasted baby Sweater.  

Had this yarn in my stash.  I only had one skein so I knew I it had to become a baby sweater.  I found this pattern and decided that is what the skein is to be.  I had enough over for the hat.  The buttons made the sweater.  I was going unisex but it looks more for a little boy than a girl.  The pattern was supper eay and knit up fast.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby Easter Basket Sweater and hat.  Yeah!  I finished it!  I love this sweater pattern, but the yarn was boring to work with.  It was annoying that the colors did not line up.  On one side is stripes and the other solid color.  I am glad it is finished so I can start more projects.  

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Made this adorable dead fish hat for my eldest son.  He picked out the yarn.  It turned out so exciting with the pooling of the colors in the middle.  Gives it a break from the stripes.  I ran out of the rainbow yarn so had to use red for the dorsal fins.  I think it made it look better.  Off to finish another project. 


Friday, October 28, 2011

Kids Sweater

 This sweater was going to be an infant sweater 6-9 months, but ended up as a size 6 kids sweater.  I love how it turned out!  The colors did not pool like I have had in other sweaters.  This is a warm/hot fluffy sweater.  I hope it is well loved.  Now off to finish another project.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Another sweater finished.  This one was made using Dark Horse Fantasy yarn.  It is Nylon/Acrylic blend.  Perfect for kids so it can be thrown in the washer.  Both the Catching waves and this one is made from the pattern Striped outfit for a stripeknight by Suvi Simola.  Pattern in found on Raverly.com.  It is an easy to knit pullover with seed stitch edging on sleeved and bottom of body.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wave sweater for the Squeaker.  Ran out of green so used the wave pattern to finish the sweater.  Now need to wash it before he can wear his waves.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Leonard is now complete and alive.  He turned out better than I had expected.  Had to include a picture of the two adorable monsters.  Notice that Harold's mouth has changed.  The son did not like the first one and is now content with this one.  Now on to knit some more.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A whole bunch of Monsters

Making a bunch of monsters from "the Big Book of Monsters" by Rebecca Danger.  Two for my boys and a few others.  This one's name is Harold.  My eldest son designed it.  Deciding the colors, the width of the stripes, placement of the eyes and the "tooths"